Extra large kilns
ELK stands for Extra Large Kiln, a solution developed by Riedhammer to overcome capacity limitations when using RHKs.
Theoretically unlimited length or capacity since the ELK is designed to contain 4 stacks of 8 saggers each, resulting in a cross-sectional load of 32 saggers.
Gastight design with dual-shutter atmosphere exchange chambers installed at the kiln inlet and outlet. The overall kiln structure ensures these gastight conditions are maintained throughout the kiln. Different atmosphere compositions can be used as and when the process requires.
- Best temperature uniformity ever
- CAPEX better than 4x2, 4x3 and 6x2 RHK
- Specific energy consumption lower than any comparable RHK
- High space-saving potential
- Uniform flow conditions
- Oxygen operation
- Circulation provides process gas savings
- Highly efficient cooling system
- Lower maintenance requirements
For test purposes, Riedhammer has designed and built a Demo ELK plant to confirm the kiln design and verify performance. We welcome you to inspect the Demo ELK.
If required, we can also perform test runs using your own product or the Demo ELK can even be installed at your own factory.
Process equipment
TPC (Thermal Oxidizer) and extended process gas cleaning systems (bag house, cyclone, dry or wet scrubber) are available.
Sagger handling system (SHS)
The purpose of the SHS is filling, transportation, unloading and testing of saggers
Lid handling system
The purpose of the lid handling is an extension of the SHS for handling the lids
We look forward to your inquiry!
Please complete the contact form below (*= mandatory fields). We will contact you immediately.
Andreas Hajduk
Sales Manager
Riedhammer GmbH
90411 Nürnberg
Tel.: +49 911 / 52 18 337
E-mail andreas.hajduk@riedhammer.de