The Riedhammer
battery kilns
Continuous powder treatment in gastight roller hearth furnace and indirectly heated rotary furnace
The rapid development of Advanced Materials, nanomaterials and materials for mobile energy storage has been playing a crucial role in the plant development by RIEDHAMMER, so we are constantly enhancing and optimizing our firing technologies in this field.
Roller hearth kiln
The roller hearth kiln (RHK) which is the most widely used thermal processing plant in the field of Advanced Materials, undergoes a constant expansion of its production capacities with continuous extension of kiln length and kiln width. In addition, the kiln design considers the often complex and aggressive chemical composition of the modern products as well as the increased requirements with regard to temperature and atmosphere profiles.
Rotary kiln
The rotary kiln (RK) with its initially basic design has been transformed into a thermal processing plant for the treatment of CAM and AAM, nearly all possible powders, specifically battery materials, under many different temperature and atmosphere conditions.
Extra large kilns
ELK stands for Extra Large Kiln, a solution developed by Riedhammer to overcome the capacity limitations when using RHKs. Theoretically unlimited length or capacity as the ELK is designed to contain 4 stacks of 8 saggers each, resulting in a cross-sectional load of 32 saggers.